Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fat Vs Fit

Last week, I happened to watch a Chat show on NDTV, where the topic was "Fat Vs Fit". It’s seemed a pretty bland topic, considering the fact that being fit has proven by many scientific studies to prevent various lifestyle diseases and thus prolong longevity. Not just quantity, but also the quality of life.

But then, what is quality of life, It depends on one's priority in life. If looking, feeling good and being attractive is one's priority, then fitness is important...But what if the priority is given to gastronomic pleasures, then one is surely going to enjoy eating and eating (Quality of life) until one of the killer diseases knock on the door.

The discussion was made interesting by the outrageous comments of the participants. Let’s see what a celebrity like Pooja Bhatt had to say...Diseases are caused only by genetic factors, and the fitness and physique is also solely decided by genes. So don’t care a hoot to what others say, eat to your hearts content. She completed her stand with a final skirmish,” Bones are for dogs, Men like meat"

The main argument of the fat participants was that they are happy the way they are and that they are healthy. Scientific studies have consistently proven that there is a direct correlation between fitness and longevity (Quality life). So the claim that they are healthy is simply their self-image, which is false. Now let’s go to their central argument that they are happy the way they are. Although the pro-fat participants all rallied around this point, it was anybody’s guess who they were trying to convince, others or truthfully, themselves.

There is a difference between happiness and being satisfied in the belief that happiness is Utopian. Most of the participants had taken the easier second route and decided that managing diet and working out is too tough for them. So they decided to be happy eating and accept the consequences of the behavior.

It has been seen in various studies, if other things being equal, the youth always get a better deal. A visit to any matrimony or social networking site can see the fact that fit, slim people are more in demand than the other extreme. Other things being equal, a prospective employer will always go for the fitter/healthier applicant than a fatter one. This is simply because a bad body signals a person who is not willing to take responsibility for oneself, or the first impression he/she gives to others. How can such a person be given a position of responsibility...?

So however much we argue, it remains true that looks do matter, and slimmer, fitter and hence attractive people always fare better than others in all the walks of life.


Dileep said...

"health is always a wealth" but....fitness is just not being slim...it should be more holistic..we maust have a fit mind too.........:)

Unknown said...

With the increasing tasks that come make sure you include a daily time, for whatever you want to do. Whether it's a power nap, a talk on the phone, a walk in the park, a cup of tea and a magazine, or your favorite TV show, it's important to make sure you make this time for yourself. It's not an indulgence, it's a must-do to manage stress.after all health is more imp than anything else........:)

Dileep said...

there are some simple things by which we can manage stress...
it will help us a lot..like finding some "alone" time.. close ur eyes and feel urself!..
get sleep!..
do something to distract urself frm usual like walk, paint, sing or listen to music,read a book etc..
breathe properly, sit properly,
getting involved 100%..it is possible if we like what we are doing bcoz otherwise there will be a confusing dilemma is us..

then leave evrything..bcoz we often think we can run the world and we are responsible..its just the opposite..world will run even if we don't..

"having a little bit of fat" is ok..but not too much that u cannot do anything properly...if we do some bending exercises, aerobics or yoga..even if it is just 10 mins..and if we don't worry..

Unknown said...
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Aruna said...

well.. i agree tat looks matters but tat doen't mean u should be slim...n looks depends on the way u carry urself with people...

Have a healthy n yummy food n maintain looks by doing exercise.. n be happyyyyyyyyyyyyy
keep rocking....

Sneha Rooh said...


in "we the people",they didn speak of "fat v/s fit",the topic was,is weight becoming an obsession,and what pooja bhat meant was i will be fit,and fit to me doesnt mean 36-24-36,when she said,indulge in what you like and live your life,she added"if you can climb 6 floor without puffing and panting....then you dont need to worry,go do what you want coz your fit".....didn mean any offense ,but the entire idea seems to have been misinterpreted--

Sneha Rooh said...

and i totally agree wid aruna ...
cheers :)

dharmabum said...

i saw that show and i think it was rubbish. i mean, in and through it all, not only did that stupid celebrity woman justify over eating, she never once (nor did anybody else) talk about good health - it was all about looks and being liked and wanted and that kinda stuff.