Sunday, December 2, 2007

My Poem of Love

"If u have never been in love...u have never lived your life"

Love is beautiful, in happiness and in pain...

Enjoy the fluttering butterflies of that first sight...

Live those moments of the first smile...

Excite with glorious pain-tinged uncertainty of love...

Feel the honey wet sweetness of the first kiss...

Feel the first twinges of sweet jealousy...

Live the electric flashes of wanton desire...

Feel the sweet pangs of missing...

Feel the pain of heartbreak...

Nurse the broken heart n painful memories...

Excite in the anticipation of a new sunrise...

For measure thy love in those moments of

happiness, pain, love, jealousy & what not....

Not in the days spent together...

Love is beautiful, in happiness and in pain...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fat Vs Fit

Last week, I happened to watch a Chat show on NDTV, where the topic was "Fat Vs Fit". It’s seemed a pretty bland topic, considering the fact that being fit has proven by many scientific studies to prevent various lifestyle diseases and thus prolong longevity. Not just quantity, but also the quality of life.

But then, what is quality of life, It depends on one's priority in life. If looking, feeling good and being attractive is one's priority, then fitness is important...But what if the priority is given to gastronomic pleasures, then one is surely going to enjoy eating and eating (Quality of life) until one of the killer diseases knock on the door.

The discussion was made interesting by the outrageous comments of the participants. Let’s see what a celebrity like Pooja Bhatt had to say...Diseases are caused only by genetic factors, and the fitness and physique is also solely decided by genes. So don’t care a hoot to what others say, eat to your hearts content. She completed her stand with a final skirmish,” Bones are for dogs, Men like meat"

The main argument of the fat participants was that they are happy the way they are and that they are healthy. Scientific studies have consistently proven that there is a direct correlation between fitness and longevity (Quality life). So the claim that they are healthy is simply their self-image, which is false. Now let’s go to their central argument that they are happy the way they are. Although the pro-fat participants all rallied around this point, it was anybody’s guess who they were trying to convince, others or truthfully, themselves.

There is a difference between happiness and being satisfied in the belief that happiness is Utopian. Most of the participants had taken the easier second route and decided that managing diet and working out is too tough for them. So they decided to be happy eating and accept the consequences of the behavior.

It has been seen in various studies, if other things being equal, the youth always get a better deal. A visit to any matrimony or social networking site can see the fact that fit, slim people are more in demand than the other extreme. Other things being equal, a prospective employer will always go for the fitter/healthier applicant than a fatter one. This is simply because a bad body signals a person who is not willing to take responsibility for oneself, or the first impression he/she gives to others. How can such a person be given a position of responsibility...?

So however much we argue, it remains true that looks do matter, and slimmer, fitter and hence attractive people always fare better than others in all the walks of life.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Parents Guilty of Child Abuse...

Child Abuse usually brings associated sexual connotations to the average person's mind. But the fact is that we are only concerned about physical abuse. There is another more sinister form of abuse thats happening in more than 99% of the homes. Its called mental abuse. Well lets take a look at why sex with children is called abuse.

Its defined as abuse because children below 16 years are considered not mature enough (changes according to each country's laws. In fact Peruvians are considered mature a good two years before us) to make decisions regarding sex. So even if consensual sex happens between a minor and a major, its construed as the minor being forced or falsely coerced into having sex, where the major is held responsible for rape. So if children(below 16) are not mature to take decisions about sex before come they are being taught the most important thing in their lives, before they are mature...How come they cant chose their religion or more importantly whether they need a religion or whether they need a God?

Why wont we let them use their mature minds after 16 years to decide what they want to follow in life. Let them think and decide whats best for them..

We are nurturing blind obedience to faith which in turn leads them to follow fanaticism in the same manner. We blindfold them as children, silence their questions and ultimately kill their inquisitiveness and turn them into dummies. The dummies whose rational mind is killed and emotional nature is aroused by conditioning them to do, "not what is right, but whatever our family does is right enough". So we are creating a generation that is ready to fight not for what it thinks is right ( coz they have lost the ability to think)... but what they are taught is right...

Its takes a lot of courage to doubt one's roots, but it takes even greater courage to accept the truth. The truth that may turn one into a loner, ex-communicated, outcast. But the question is,
" Do u have it in you, to shake the foundations of your belief with the cyclone of rational thought and reasoning?"

If u think u have the courage, please go through the link below, to test your faith...

All the best...